Friday, September 14, 2012

Scarecrow festival

We had noticed a sign advertising a scarecrow festival for last weekend. It on the through road to the motorway pointing to the village, Harpole, which is the next one on from Duston which we thought sounded like fun so Jessica and I set off about lunch time on Sunday. The boys didn't think it was for them and chose to stay home to have lunch and keep working on the bathroom.

Not being absolutely sure what to expect at a scarecrow festival we were very surprised to find the whole village involved and scarecrows everywhere. It is a fundraiser for the community and information on our pamphlet told us that last year 10 000 people attended and that this was their 15th year. We had thought that all the scarecrows would be in one place but no, there was a trail around the village with the set up in front gardens and lawns. Each scarecrow had a number as you could vote for your favourite. So off we set to view these work of art. Many had an Olympic or royal theme though there were still plenty with a more traditional look as well. I had the camera snapping away and now have a great collection of scarecrows photos. I don't think we decided on a favourite one - just too many to chose from, and we never got to see any results.

We were certainly pleased we had taken a couple of hour's out of this lovely Sunday afternoon. We also chose a good time of the day to go. As we were leaving the carloads of people coming into the village was causing a traffic jam. Maybe the numbers would be even greater this year.

The following link to their website where you can view photos from previous years.


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