Sunday, September 1, 2013

Farewell To Australia

Last week was a busy one, with the last of our planned activities in Canberra.
We visited a boutique brewery and enjoyed a couple of their beers with our lunch. On Thursday morning I had the privilege of visiting Helen's classroom. She teaches in a Montessori School so it was a very interesting experience. There are many aspects of the school and their philosophies that are very close to my own. I intend to do some more reading about it. A link to the Canberra school can be found here Canberra Montessori School

That afternoon Rob took us out to visit some of their friends - Neil and Debbie. Interestingly, they had both taught in Invercargill at Tweedsmuir Intermediate schools back in the early 80s, and Debbie had actually gone to school there about the time Stephen was there too. Another 'small world' moment.
They live on a 40acre bush block about 40minutes out of Canberra, in a house they literally built themselves. That included making all 1000 mud bricks.

Our final evening was spent revisiting the Vietnamese restaurant My's. We had a meal there and met Neil and Debbie, when we first arrived in Canberra back at the end of June so it was a fitting end to a wonderful trip.

We would like to say a very big thank you to all the new friends we met and a special BIG thank you to Rob and Helen. You all made us so very welcome.

An enjoyable outside lunch in Canberra.

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