Thursday, October 17, 2013

Life in Clyde

It is hard to believe we have been back here in Clyde for 6 weeks, excluding a couple of trips to Invercargill and one to Christchurch for a wedding.

What might we be doing with our time here?? Well there seems to be plenty to keep us busy. We have never spent this length of time here so it has been good to be able to get onto those jobs we have always wanted to get down.  Like painting out the garage, completing the walk in wardrobe, setting up some raised gardens, and developing the outdoor living area.  Stephen is working on a pizza oven and is using the local schist rock as a feature.

The beginnings of the outdoor fire/pizza oven and BBQ.

Alexandra Blossom Festival (end of September)
This is an event we haven't attended for many years so we made the effort to go into Alex to watch the parade and then attend "Saturday in the Park." The float parade is synonymous with the festival. In years gone by the floats were grander and more numerous, though this year lots of organisations had put in a big effort to make their's the best. Each float also hosts one of the hopeful festival princesses and the public get to vote for their favourite.  The floats are punctuated with pipe bands,  entertainers and even a brass band on bikes!  "Saturday in the Park" consisted of lots of stalls selling all manner of things, food stalls, side shows, rides for the children, wood chopping demonstrations, pipe band competitions and a stage with a variety of bands and musicians for entertainment. So something for everyone and there were certainly lots of people making the most of the day.

The winning float.

Saturday is the biggest day of the festival but there are also other events organised. The musical theatre company produce their annual production at this time and Buddy Holly was certainly a treat and one that we were pleased to have attended. The garden tour was another event I also took the opportunity to attend. Ten local gardens were open to visit and it is always nice to be able to view what other people are doing with their space.

One of my favourites. The views across the garden to the river were amazing.
Blossom festival website with further information and more photos.

The spring weather has been great and already we have had to hunt out the shorts and t-shirts on several afternoons. Many a lunch has been eaten outdoors and we can see that we are going to enjoy living and spending time in this climate.  We are looking forward to the garden flourishing and hopefully some fruit on our trees (and hopefully there won't be too many frosts!)

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