Thursday, February 13, 2014

Round Hill/Long Hilly Walk

After our fleeting visit to Invercargill where we managed to catch up with some of our friends, we headed out onto the Southern Scenic Route to Te Anau.  Our friends Linda and Ray’s daughter and family have recently purchased some land and a house at Round Hill- just passed Colac Bay and we were keen to check it out.  They are right beside the car-park for the Long HIlly Track (a good hour’s walk around the old gold/chinese mining) and so we knew that there was a good sized park for the bus.    
Link to this walk: Round Hill Track Information

We arrived about 5pm, in time to do the walk before our evening meal. 

After the meal we joined Hannah and Scott to share dessert.  We also got to meet their first ‘paying guests’.  To make a few more dollars for the kitty, they have turned their sleep-out into a bunk house and hoping to attract back-packer guests. Sam, Robert and Caleb are doing the Te Araroa track, which takes you from Bluff to Cape Reinga, and passes right by Scott and Hannah’s door. They were allowing five months to complete this journey so they have a long way to go as this was only Day 4!!!  But what an interesting trip to be doing. The following link takes you to the website: Te Araroa Trail

We spent a very enjoyable evening and the following morning went back for a morning cuppa with Scott and the children before heading off to TeAnau.(Hannah was at work and the intrepid trampers had set off on their way.)  They have a lovely rural set-up with lots of gardens, animals and space for the children to enjoy.

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