Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Herb Society Outing

The Southland Herb Society usually meets on the last Thursday of the month, but this month a trip had been organised for the following Sunday so I decided to stay on in Invercargill one more day so that I could join them.  I have been a member of this organisation now for nearly 10 years and begin based away from Invercargill is one thing that I miss.

A big day was planned so we needed to be ready to leave by 8:30am. With 15 of us we had a van and a car. Our first destination was The Catlins Soap Company and Kinross gardens in Owaka. Jude had spoken to the group last year and we were keen to see her shop and garden. It is a good two hour drive but very pleasant through rolling farmland.  Since I had last been there for Lisa's  (niece) wedding 16 months ago a new shop has been built with space to accommodate groups for morning and afternoon teas. As Judy was away on a trip, explaining their business and set up was left to Ross and I would have to say he did a great job.
 This link takes you to their website where you can see all their wonderful products as well as their latest news:  Catlins Soap Company

Next stop was Owaka where the group went to the Museum and a 'collectable' shop. I, however, too the opportunity to visit our niece Lisa and to meet the newest great-niece 'Bella'.  Bella, aged one month,  chose to sleep peacefully on the couch for the hour that I was there. Getting to know her will have to wait for another visit.

Our lunch spot initially was to be the McLean Falls but we were getting a bit short of time so it was a quick stop at Tautuku Beach. Actually the stop was even quicker than anticipated as the sandflies were not being kind to us at all.

Our final point of interest was the Holms homestead at Waimahaka.  This is a magnificent old Georgian style house, in much the same style as that at Anderson Park in Invercargill. Built in the 1920s it is full of family history as well as being very much the large country manor house.  The view from the front steps sweep down through the lawn, over the haha and into the farmland beyond.

We arrived back in Invercargill just before 5pm after a great day out.

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