Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Sunday morning started with a champagne breakfast at the B&B with Ilke, Alicia and Stan joining us. We then returned back to their place to have yet another game of Kubb. The battle lines had been drawn the night before and there was a need for the losing team (Andrew, Jessica and Ilke) to save face - which of course we let them do.

Waffles are traditional Belgium fare and we were keen to sample some so for lunch we went to a local cafe for lunch and indulged in waffles for lunch. Of course they were accompanied by more local beers. The different beers in Belgium are numerous and diverse in both flavour and alcohol content and each beer usually has its own individually shaped glass for it to be served in. My Chouffe has a leprechaun on both the label and the glass. The waffles didn't disappoint either - served with ice cream, cream and chocolate sauce.



Susan and Roger (our friend Julianne's brother and sister in law) were waiting to collect us when we returned, to take us to their home in Overijse, on the outskirts of Brussels. They took us on a short detour to show us the sights in Leuven, a town not far from their place. Being a late Sunday afternoon they had thought it would be quiet and we could walk around the town centre to view the architecture and experience another Belgium town. We were most surprised to find the town centre packed with people, all enjoying a food and beer festival. We made our way through the crowds and still saw some of the interesting buildings such as the cathedral, library and City Hall before making our way to Susan and Roger's place.






They have a lovely home, in a semi rural setting, with a lawn and garden. The tunnel house is Roger's pride and joy with a bumper crop of tomatoes beginning to ripen. Nicholas, their son was also about, enjoying his holiday period between finishing high school and beginning university next month. Unfortunately we didn't get to met Laura as she is away on a short OE to Cambodia and Vietnam.







Susan and Roger are wonderful hosts. Each night we sampled a different selection of beers and wine, and it was further enjoyed with the meals Susan cooked. I am sure they will be pleased to see us depart so they can enjoy an early night. Even 1am is well past our usual bedtime.



1 comment:

  1. OUTRAGEOUS slander! Let us win, forsooth. We took pity on the oldies...
