Thursday, April 25, 2013

ANZAC day in Geraldine

We are very familiar with ANZAC day service in Geraldine as we are often here to celebrate Dad’s birthday the day before.
It is held outside the library, across the road from the Geraldine Memorial at 9am.  Part of the street is cordoned off so the pipe band can lead the parade down the street to join the crowd that has already gathered to be part of the proceedings. Seating is out for the more senior citizens but Dad feels he isn’t ready for that yet!!

This is very much a community commemoration and involvement is from many different groups including the guiding and scouting movements, the police, Fire and ambulance services, the High school, local service clubs as well as the armed services.  It is sad to see each year though the number of returned servicemen getting less though there is an increase in the number of people wearing medals from family no longer with us. 
There are the usual prayers, songs and an address as well as the laying of the wreaths and poppies as well as the Last Post, the Ode and the Reveille. 


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
    Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn.
   At the going down of the sun and in the morning
    We will remember them.

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