Sunday, June 9, 2013

Favourite recipe books

One of the bonus's of being back here in Clyde is access to all of my cooking books. (I only have a very select few in the bus at any one time.) As a cook it is amazing how attached you can become to some of them. The internet is a very useful tool for looking for a new, or perhaps a favourite recipe that may have found its way on line, but there is nothing like browsing through the recipe book itself. 
This morning I delved into one of my destitute gourmet books for mock maple syrup. We often have Scottish pancakes on a Sunday morning for breakfast and we usually serve them with either golden syrup or some 'real' imported maple syrup that we get from my friend in Otatara. This morning we had neither so I knew I had this 'mock' syrup recipe which would be better than nothing.

Sophie Gray has quite a collection of books out now but I only have the first four.  She is a woman with a philosophy after my own heart when it comes to food. I see the first book she published was in 2000 when she was wanting to cut back on her food budget but not on the quality of food she prepared for her family.  This first book, Stunning Food from Small Change, certainly shows you how to prepare economical but nutritious food though probably my favourite one is 'more stunning from small change'. This one has lots of bread recipes that I return to time and time again.

However there is nothing like inspiration to flick through a recipe book to 'pep' up the weekly menu and I can see that we will be enjoying some new recipes this week.

Scottish Breakfast Pancakes - a regular weekend breakfast for us. Some times served with  crispy bacon, fresh fruit and yoghurt, they often double as brunch.  They are very economical and easy to make, using a cup of rolled oats, a cup of milk, an egg, flour, BP and some butter. 

The following link will take you to her blog:  destitutegourmet
or the following one to her website:destitutegourmet website

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