Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Stuffed tomatoes and aubergines

This meal is one of my favourites and Ave made it for us one day, mostly using vegetables from their own garden. I watched closely so would know what to do once I get back into the cooking mode again.

First the vegetables are prepared, by washing and trimming them. Use a mixture of tomatoes, peppers, aubergine and courgettes, Next they are hollowed out.

Save the tomato pulp, sieving it and keeping the juice separately. Place the pulp in a bowl with finely chopped onion, a clove of garlic, salt and pepper, parsley, and a small tsp of dried mint or some fresh mint. For each vegetable used add one tablespoon of uncooked rice and mix together well with a cup of olive oil.

Fill the hollowed out vegetables with the stuffing mixture and place top/lid back in place.

Place peeled and cut potatoes and any other root vegetables you may have, around the stuffed vegetables if desired. Pour another half cup of olive oil over the vegetables with the saved tomato juice.

Cook in a hot oven, 220 degrees, until it starts to boil. Lower heat and continue cooking until vegetables are soft.

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