Monday, October 8, 2012

Theopolis's gardens

While Averil and Theopolis have a house and four apartments out here at Agia Anna, there is no ground for gardening other than the few pots that Averil has on the stairs and balcony. I have a feeling Theopolis would like the 'good life' of self sufficiency, as he has three separate properties where he grows fruit and vegetables. One such plot is quite close by but it has an issue with water and of course nothing grows well without a good supply of that. However in saying that we walked around to it the other night and harvested a a couple of kilo of tomatoes and there were heaps of eggplant ready for the picking. We need to go back with a sharp knife as they have a very tough stalk.

Another piece of land Theopolis has is relatively new and is high up in the hills above Naxos town at Kalamitsia near Melanes. The advantage of this place is that it has a good water source with a natural spring but unfortunately it has goats! He is hoping that the fencing he has put up will be adequate but it is also in an area with a building of historical significance and so there are lots of visitors and they aren't always so careful with securing the gate. On Saturday afternoon we went for a drive to have a look at the garden and the building. It used to be a summer retreat for Jesuit monks and was built in the 17th century. It is quite an amazing place.


Theopolis has bought part of this property which would have comprised some of the original gardens. He has done a lot of work to clear it, prune back trees (mostly olives) and to plant some crops and new trees. There is a date palm (but the fruit is too high to harvest) a huge fig tree, pomegranate, almond, and olive trees. He has planted bananas, grapes, more olive trees and seasonal crops such as beans, tomatoes, aubergine and peppers.

His third garden is on the other side of the town and is quite well established. We haven't yet visited it this time but I know that he has all sorts of fruits and vegetables growing there too. I seem to remember lots of citrus as well as olives, artichokes, and bananas.

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