Sunday, May 19, 2013

A gatecrashers' dinner party with a twist

Leigh (Stephen's son)  is currently travelling NZ as part of the Stage Challenge and J Rock event. This is for Secondary and Primary schools to explore dance and drama and present their performance in a theatre setting. Leigh has the job of filming, recording and creating a DVD for each school. This is a six week contract for Leigh and they travel the length and breadth of NZ.
Link for more info: Stage Challenge

When they initially picked up the gear in Christchurch it became evident that Leigh needed some initial help with setting up and using the equipment so MJ was flown from Auckland to help him through the first week. As a thank you Leigh text me to ask if I could cook them a 'home made' meal and I was more than happy to do this. Only there was one problem!! You can't fit seven adults in a bus for a meal.

Thinking caps on and working through the options we decided that the Watsons would be a good choice of venue. A quick call to Julianne to explain the situation and all was sorted. I organise and sort  all the food and they would provide the space and ambience.

And so on Wednesday we spent a very enjoyable evening with Leigh and his Stage Challenge crew, Jamie, Dwayne, SJ and MJ,  and of course Julianne and Jim.  Everyone enjoyed the 'home cooked meal' as well as the good company and conversation. 

It was lovely to be able to spend time with Leigh (he is based in Auckland) as well as see him in a working environment.  On Friday evening we went back stage at the Civic Theatre and were able to see first hand exactly what Leigh's job entailed as well as watch some of the performances from the side of the stage.

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