Thursday, March 6, 2014


This week I am having a holiday in Greymouth with my friend Shirley and her husband Rami. It is exactly a year ago since I have been over to visit and it was time for a good catchup.

After the wedding anniversary in Geraldine Stephen headed back to TeAnau to work on our rental property(not exactly sure what he is up to but time will tell!) and I spent another couple of days with Mum and Dad. Unfortunately after having such a lovely time over the weekend Mum had very nasty fall when she was out for walk. She must be made of good strong bones as none were broken but she was very badly bruised especially on her face. It has been good that Joy has been there to help out while she recovers her strength.
It is a 4 hour plus drive from Geraldine to Greymouth but last Tuesday it took me a lot longer. There was a series of roadworks that held me up. In fact I waited nearly over 20 minutes at the Rakaia Gorge Bridge only to held up by a slow vehicle that had at least 20 vehicles behind it and was impossible to pass. I am usually pretty patient but ....... Stephen would never have let that happen if he was driving the bus.

The weather over here has been very kind to me. Sunny warm autumnal days with not so much as a hint of rain and it looks like it will stay that way for at least the rest of the week. Not like poor old Christchurch.

As Shirley only works mornings, we have had the afternoons to spend together. We have been shopping, out for lunch, to the local swimming complex for our exercise and another re-organised some of the furniture in their house to make better use of the space. All this as well we enjoying a good old catch up over a glass or two of wines in the evenings.

Shirl with my latest crafty creation - a lovely hot-water bottle cover!!

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