Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Southland Community Nursery

For over 14 years I have been volunteering at the Southland Community Nursery on a Friday morning. Recently Chris has had a Nature Education Centre built and with this has come a large car park. This makes an excellent spot to park up the bus so it was here when we returned to Invercargill on Thursday that we parked up for our first four nights.

Whenever we are back in town we try to spend at least one Friday morning volunteering in the nursery.  It has become a very popular spot and up to twenty people can be there beavering away on tasks such as weeding and potting up new plants.  It is a great place to meet new people (there is always some new) or to catch up on old friends. Like me, some have been coming on and off for a long time and it is great to hear all their news. Morning teas are becoming 'legendary' for both their range of foods and their camaraderie. In fact some people only turn up for the morning tea!!! It all helps to develop the 'community' part of the nursery.

The new nature education centre is a fantastic addition to the whole project. Not only does it provide a venue for large groups of school children to work in regardless of the weather, it is a very comfortable area for the morning teas.

If you want to learn more about what the 'Nursery' provides, follow this link to the website. It is full of information about How the Nursery Works, Restoring your patch, The Education  as well as the latest news and happenings.

Southland Community Nursery

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