Wednesday, March 19, 2014

You shouldn't leave them unattended!!

Jessica always says you shouldn't leave a bloke unattended at home on their own for too long. She once went to a conference for a weekend and when she came home Andrew had a builder all organised to have a wall in the kitchen removed!! With no consultation.
So when I left Stephen down here in TeAnau on his own for two weeks I was taking a risk. I was always a little suspicious when he was very keen to wave me goodbye,  and happily told me that there was no hurry to get back!! My suspicions were further raised when emails starting arriving from Placemakers, telling me we had earned our next $25 voucher, and then the next and so on. (You need to spend $250 to earn this). Nightly phone conversations weren't very helpful either when I quizzed him as what he had been doing for the day. The standard answer seemed to be "just a bit of this and that."

So when I got here I was very keen to see what he had been up to. Well as usual he had been beavering away and I had to agree that he had made a good job. He had lined up and the garage and painted it all. He had also put in a mezzanine floor for storage and has plans for further development.


  1. There is another side to this. I like to freak Andrew out by sending him out-of-the-blue emails at work asking things like "Why can't I find the claw hammer?", "Where's the saw?" and "The normal drill battery is flat - should I just use the hammer drill?" Keeps him on his toes.

  2. Love this. Can't stop having a giggle!!!
