Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Earthquake or Train?

We were awoken from our sleep at 1:35am on Monday morning by a loud crash. It gave us a huge fright. Was it an earthquake? Actually I realised that I had been half awake as I thought that the washing machine was doing its final spin but then I remembered it wasn't. something had disrupted my sleep. It was just before the crash that I realised that there was a particularly heavy train rumbling past. Of course the noise of earthquakes is often described as it "sounded like a train coming through the house!" I was sure this was what ww happening. We are less than 200m from the railway line, direct from Sydney. It is a busy line with both freight and passengers but it is at night that they send the bigger freight trains through.

Once we are asleep at night we don't usually hear them but obviously this was much louder than usual. Out of bed I leapt to find out what had broken. Helen has lots of dishes and glasses sitting on cabinets and shelves that no self respecting Christchurch resident would ever consider to be safe and I was hoping it as nothing drastic. My first loop of the house found nothing and by this stage Stephen had joined me. It was only when I went back into the kitchen that I saw the source of the noise. A can of beans had been dislodged from its shelf in the pantry. It had caused a domino effect of knocking over a small glass jug on a lower shelf, which had in turn crashed onto the bench, spilling its contents of balsamic vinegar on its way. All that was broken was the small glass stopper and I found that on the floor in the morning.

Reporting the incident to Helen and Rob, they were able to tell us that it has never happened before, well as far as they know, and Margie across the road, never even heard that particular train so it was just one of those things.

Gave us a good fright though and a good story to dine on.


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