Tuesday, July 9, 2013


The name Lithgow has a familiar ring to it. Probably because the school I used to teach at was once called Lithgow and of course there was a street in the area called that too.

Anyway Lithgow was where we headed in Sunday, after a stop off in Blackheath to look at the market day being held in the local public school. One jar of blackberry jam, and a coupe of stems of bay leaves going for free, we headed off up the road to Lithgow. I had been once before, long ago, with my sister Joy. She had been staying with some relatives of her partner Peter at the time, and they actually lived there for a while too. Peter's father also had a restaurant in Medlow Bath and he went to school in Blackheath so it is a small world.


Stephen was keen to have a look at the coal powered stations, and in particular Mt Piper as it had an Expo/information centre. It was easy to find as it was well signed but getting in and out was more of an issue. There were big locked gates and the security guard had to be buzzed to let you in, and of course the reverse in the way out. That is where we struck trouble. It took three calls up before the gates were finally opened for us. Not sure what went on there it maybe it is because they don't get a huge number of visitors. We were the only ones there at that particular time though it did look as though it was more set up for larger groups like school children. The displays were all very informative and and interactive and it was good to get on overview of the history of the area. Further information can be found on their website at http://www.pleasetakemeto.com/australia/blue-mountains/mt-piper-power-station-energy-expo-9080587

We then headed back to Lithgow but being a Sunday afternoon there was very little open. We got ourselves some take-away lunch and drove to Hassans Walls, the highest scenic lookout (1130m) in the Blue Mountains. it provided us with magnificent views of the Hartley Valley and Blue Mountains escarpment. However it was blowing a really cold wind so we ate our food in the truck, before venturing out to take in the views. It is certainly a place that was well worth visiting.



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