Thursday, July 4, 2013

Sugar and salt

I have done it again! And I can't quite believe it. Yes believe or not I have mixed up the sugar and salt when baking and it is not a pleasant result. Way back in 2001 on our first visit to Israel to see our friends Shirley and Rami was the first time I did it and my excuse that time was that I couldn't read Hebrew. On that particular occasion I was making up of my signature rolled pavlovas. The egg whites along with what I thought was sugar beat up beautifully and it was only as I was licking my fingers that I was alerted to the fact that I had used salt instead of sugar. There were a lot of laughs and the story has been told many times. So today when I thought I would try making some muffins in 'Stanley' I did it again. We had the fire roaring in the fire box and the oven got up to 180 degrees, hot enough to cook my muffins. You can imagine my distress as I licked my fingers after filling the last of the muffin pans to realise that history had repeated itself. The excuse this time? Well I can't blame the label was in Hebrew. Not my own kitchen? Certainly there was no label on the large plastic container the salt was in. I had for some reason assumed it was sugar and really didn't look much further. A lesson or two is to be learnt here I would say. When working in someone else's kitchen take your time and always lick your fingers!

Anyway I wasn't going to let all that heat go to waste so the mixture was discarded, the muffin pans washed and I started again. I am quite pleased with my first attempt at baking in 'Stanley'. I have learnt that I need to turn the dish while it is baking as different parts of the oven are hotter. Hence the very brown, almost burnt ones, closest to the firebox and some very pale ones at the front and furtherest away from the heat. Next time will be better. And I am very keen to try some bread so watch this space.


  1. Hahhahahaha! Senior moment! :-)

  2. Haha Maggie! I did this only the one time... shortly after we were married. Mum & Dad were coming for dinner so I thought we'd have fruit, custard & cream. I did them in individual parfait glasses & they looked very nice - I was rather proud of my efforts. However one spoonful confirmed that I'd used salt in the custard instead of sugar - I should've licked the spoon after making the custard then I could've redone it! My poor Dad had a couple of mouthfuls & I think he was too polite to say 'yuk'. I have no excuse except to say my containers weren't labelled & I never made that mistake again!
