Wednesday, July 3, 2013


I am fast making friends with Stanley, our combustion stove in the kitchen here in Medlow Bath. I know my mother would be horrified as she would see its close similarity to the coal range she was brought up with and i know she never wanted to use one again. But I see it as a way of being less reliant on electricity and I love to see the kettle just on the boil, and the soup pot simmering away all day. It also keeps the kitchen warm during the cold winter months. Maybe I would be so enamoured if we were here in summer and it was our only way of cooking. Fortunately we also have a gas range as a back up.

I am keen to try using the oven to bake in. I should imagine the fire box will need to be cranked up to get things hot enough as the temperature seems to sit at 100 degrees, but I am sure we can manage that.


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