Monday, July 22, 2013

Tour de France

We have spent the last three weeks watching much of the Tour de France. While you need Sky in NZ to have access to this event, here in Australia it has been on a free to air channel. Although I am not a normally a hug fan of cycling, we have been drawn into this event as much by the scenery as the cycling itself. The coverage has been excellent and the aerial footage certainly has show cased the French countryside. Also being two hours behind NZ have been at an advantage re watching at a better time frame.

As last night was the final day, and the race was scheduled to finish late at night in Paris, we went to bed and got up about 4am to see the cyclists race up the Champs Elysees and around The Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile. It was certainly a fitting end to our three weeks of viewing. The lighting up of the Arc de Triomphe was enough on its own.

Each night, about ten minutes into the broadcast Gabriel Gaté and renowned chef talked about the local foods and then cooked a recipe using these local ingredients. All of them can be found on the SBS (Australian special broadcast service) website:


Following on from our food from throughout the Mediterranean theme this week, while Helen and Robert were with us, we thought a French evening would be a fitting event. So a pot luck meal with the social group here in the neighbourhood was organised, complete with dressing up (either lyric or a French theme.)

And so on Friday night we enjoyed terrines and breads followed by Pissaladiere (Provençal pizza of caramelised onions topped with anchovies) as starters included Poulet Cocotte Grandmere (Grandmother's chicken), Tartiflette au cheddar (potatoes gratin), quiche and bouef cassoulet (beef casserole). This was then followed by a selection of cheeses, and finally Clafoutis aux Cerises (baked cheery pudding). Of course all wines and beverages were French and so was enjoyed a great evening.




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