Thursday, June 26, 2014

An exceptional couple

Back in 2005 when we were on a three day bus tour of Classical Greece we met Mavis and John from Wairoa. As they were the only New Zealanders on the tour we formed a friendship that has continued through the exchange of annual Christmas cards and a visit they made to Invercargill in their camper-van about 4 years ago. We had always talked about doing a tour of the North Island and promised to visit. Well time has marched on but we have made it to Wairoa. What I didn't say was when we met them in Greece nine years ago Mavis was 81 and John was 76 so we weren't sure if they would be up to hosting visitors. But nothing could be further from the truth. They were so thrilled to see us and to know that we had taken the time to call. 

We parked up in their driveway and stayed for two nights. Mavis cooked each night and we weren't allowed to contribute to the meals, or help with the preparation or cleaning up. At 90 Mavis is amazing and has so much energy. She attends both a weekly aerobic class and a line dancing group. She doesn't look a day over 70.
John loves to potter in one of his many sheds and has been a keen fisherman over the years. He still attends to all the maintenance on the several rental properties they own, while  Mavis keeps the books and records. Only recently they sold the yacht and camper-van, as they felt they were getting a bit old to manage them. A caravan though still sits in their backyard for when they want a holiday away from the bach they own at Mahia Beach. 

A great story of how John and Mavis came to be together is also worth the telling. Mavis grew up in Calcutta and lived a very privileged life as an Anglo-Indian. John was the jewellers's son from Wairoa, on his OE. After World War 2 Mavis lived and worked  in London in a fashion house, and it as here that she met John on a blind date in 1952. A romance developed and before John returned to NZ they took a whirlwind tour of India on a motor cycle (one of their many shared passions). After two years of correspondence John sent an airfare for Mavis to join him but it wasn't all easy going. Initially his family thought he could have chosen a  'more suitable lass'. She soon became part of the wider community to which she still contributes today. As the article that was in the Wairoa News when she celebrated her 90th birthday last month says  '..she is Wairoa's flamboyant local identity'.    John and Mavis still lead a very active life, with lots of travel and adventures factored in. 

Article in the Wairoa News last month.

Mavis, as the Concours d'Elegance's
Miss Brighton 1955.

We are so pleased that we had that chance meeting back in 2005and made the time to keep in touch. John and Mavis are such treasures, so full of life at 90 and 85 years old and an inspiration to us all.

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