Monday, June 16, 2014

Te Ika a Maui (North Island) here we come.

After spending two days in Blenheim and an evening in Picton, the time had finally arrived for us to make the big trip across to Te Ika a Maui or as more commonly known the North Island. Ever since we began this nomadic life we had planned to spend time to see the whole of New Zealand and now into our third year we had still not been any further north (until this week) than Murchison!!

The Interislander "Arahura".

Earlier in the week we had been watching the weather and had decided that the weekend looked like a good window of opportunity to cross. We booked our passage on the Arahura for 11am as it meant we would arrive in Wellington with plenty of daylight left to navigate our way out of the city and up into the Waiarapa.

Approaching the garage deck for the bus

Sunday morning arrived with the sun coming up and very little wind so we were very lucky to experience a very calm crossing. There was supposedly a one metre swell but you would never have known. With the bus and car safely garaged on a lower deck we sat back and relaxed. Neither of us have traveled this ferry in a long time and all our previous experience with ferries in recent times have been Greek ones.  This almost felt like a non event in comparison. For a start there were none of the 'whistle blower' guards trying to direct cars and pushy passengers.  The Arahura is also much smaller with a noticeably smaller number of passengers on board.

Looking down on the bus from the deck above.

The sea looked like this for the whole trip.

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