Tuesday, July 24, 2012


We started the day with breakfast at the cafe attached to our camping ground. Another beautiful day dawned and it wouldn't surprise me if it was even hotter than yesterday. Our plan was to spend the day in Bath, and after some directions from a local re the nearest Park and Ride (bus) we headed off. Unfortunately we weren't very good at following the drawing on the paper serviette he gave us and we resorted to 'Garmin'' our Satnav. Unfortunately she was not behaving and took us down loads of country lanes. We eventually found our park but not before seeing lots of the English countryside. We kept reminding ourselves that it isthe journey not the destination that is important. We had a lovely time in Bath and saw and did all the touristy activities. The Roman Bath House is a must see for anyone visiting this area. We also managed to see the Fashion museum and they had a special display of royal clothing through the ages as part of the Diamond Jubilee. Tonight we have cooked our own meal on our single camp burner, after visiting Sainsbury's in Bradford on Avon for supplies. It is a glorious evening to be sitting outside listening to the birds and viewing the local surrounds. All I all a good day.

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