Thursday, July 5, 2012

Change of job

Yesterday was my third day at Reserve Tce in Lyttelton. Progress was going well and it was great to see the three bedrooms completely finished. The only regret is that we never saw what it was like before the volunteers came in but from all accounts the difference is huge. From the guys who have been there all along it was the plywood coming off the windows that made the final impact.
The view is magnificent as seen below.
After lunch our 'Leader' came and whisked me away. I have gathered since that Stephen had been speaking about my culinary skills and it was to the kitchen that I was taken. Meals are provided for all the live-in volunteers and Helen, who usually does this job, was taking an extended weekend. I was to be left in charge.  Helen showed me the ropes, along with the planned meals she had organised for me. Now this is not an arduous job this week as there are only three guys to look after. A nice gently way to ease into it. Next week we will be cooking for just over 20 and I believe I will be helping Helen all week.

It was good to have some extra time to catch up with washing, cleaning, a trip to the bank as well as  an email or two.

Stephen has continued to work on the same property and is really enjoying it. He is also learning a few handy tips about gib stopping so this will be a valuable tool for him when he gets to Jessica and Andrew's in the UK. We are pretty sure they have some similar jobs lined up!!

1 comment:

  1. We do have many such jobs lined up! Glad to see you're getting in lots of practice :-)
