Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Clayton's earthquake

We had been out for a meal with friends on Tuesday evening and were just back in the bus when I asked Stephen what he was doing. The bus can shake sometimes, even when walking around but he emphatically said he was doing nothing. It was quite a roll really and went on for what I would have thought was at least 30 seconds. Now not being a veteran of earthquakes I wasn't really able to put a number to it. It was when we got into bed and listened to the radio that we heard it was a 7!!!! But of course it was off the coast of Taranaki, well away from here. We are still to experience our first 'Christchurch' shake.  Here's hoping that it won't be too strong. There is certainly more than enough damage sustained around here to last more than a life time. The area that we are staying in is in the Eastern Suburbs and you don't have to look far to see lots of buildings that are very badly damaged.
We have yet to venture anywhere near the centre of the city.

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