Monday, July 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Eva

Saturday took us over Arthur's Pass to Greymouth.  My very good friend Shirley had organised a  party for her mother's 90th and we really wanted to be part of it. It took a little organisation on our part as this was also the weekend we needed to park up the bus before we head to the UK. So we went as far as Glentunnel on Friday evening, having left our jobs and camp site at Breezes Road early in the afternoon. (Still trying to keep to the rule of finding the campsite before dark.)
There is a lovely little camp at Glentunnel and they were happy for us to leave the bus there overnight on Saturday while we hoofed it over the hill.
Our accommodation for the night was at Noah's Ark, a fantastic Backpackers and, just around the corner from Shirley's place in Greymouth. Our room was the Zebra Room and it was all decked out in zebra colours and paraphernalia. We would highly recommend it to anyone looking for this type of accommodation.  Noah's Ark Backpackers

The birthday party was a huge success. I know that Shirley had been worried because her mum had been very sick with the flu only ten days earlier but she had rallied around and pulled out of it. The venue was the Runanga School hall, a very poignant choice as Eva had taught at Runanga School for many years, the Greening clan had attended school there, and both Shirley and Jim had had teaching stints as well. In fact Shirley has come back from living in Israel for many years and now too has another job there.

Tamar (Shirley's daughter) had travelled from Israel to be here and she was responsible for making most of the afternoon tea. And what a spread it was. She is a trained pastry chef and she, along with her two friends, had spent three days making all this beautiful food for her Nana's birthday.
About a 100 family and friends had come from near and far to be there, (Israel, Australia, the North Island and many parts of the Mainland.) It was a time for talking and reminiscing, cousins to reconnect (or meet) and celebrate 90 years.

We were glad we had made the effort.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely stuff! So glad Mrs Greening made it to her own party and had such a lovely time. Great cake - did Tamar make that too?
