Sunday, July 5, 2015

A Walk Around Northampton Town


We decided that we needed to explore the town centre as we never got to do that three years ago. So today, armed with a guidebook to walk around passed the main points of interest we headed into town just before lunch. I found a self guided book on the bookcase here and we thought it would make a good starting point.

The Ancient Borough of Northampton is a very old, dating back to the early Bronze Age (2500 - 1400BC). Later both the Saxons and the Romans settled the area. Last year the city celebrated the 825th year of the Charter being granted by Richard 1st to make Northampton a Borough. A 1610 map of old Northampton shows that there was little change in the street plan up to the 1960s and many features of the town's evolution can still be seen today.

The All Saints' Church is a magnificent building but like many churches in the UK aternative uses have had to be found for them to keep them viable. This one, although still a functioning church, has 'The All saints Cafe with outdoor tables and chairs occupying the entrance way. Note the sculptured Wooden knight we are standing beside. Several of these are along the way, as part of a knight's trail to follow.


The Guild Hall (town hall by any other name) was our next stop. We had lunch at a wee Italian restaurant across the road from here.
Another church. This time St Giles. St Giles was the patron saint of cripples and beggars and the church was built outside the town walls in the 13th century.
Stephen and Andrew enjoying an ice-cream. Behind them is a sculpture of a shoe last. This represents the shoe industry that Northampton have been famous for over the centuries. The first known pair was made for King John in the 13th century.


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