Thursday, July 2, 2015


It really is a long way to the UK. We left Christchurch airport late on Tuesday morning. My sister Barbara provided the taxi, on her way to work, from her place in Lincoln where we had stayed the previous night. We were there in good time so had no need to rush which was great.

Our first flight went smoothly and as it was during the day we didn't even attempt to sleep the 10 hours it takes to get to Singapore. We had a 15 hour layover, which gave us time to have a good sleep in our transit hotel room, as well as some time to stretch our legs within the airport terminal. The airport at Singapore is like a small city or shopping mall with everything that you could possibly need.

The second leg to London is a much longer haul and it was over 12 hours of sitting squashed into the economy section of the plane. This flight was on an Airbus 380 which gives the illusion of being bigger (Stephen's legs wouldn't think so) but at least the technology was more modern and we had a much better selection of movies to watch. We would have to say that the staff on Singapore Airlines make your trip as comfortable as could be expected under such conditions.

We were VERY surprised upon landing that London was experiencing a heatwave. We have since heard that it was the hottest day since records became and at 37 degrees, it was a 42 degree difference from what we had experienced in Clyde a week ago!!!  Jessica was there to meet us and negotiate the rush hour traffic back to Northampton. At that time of day (it was 5pm before we got on the road by the time we cleared immigration) it took us an hour and a half so we were very pleased to arrive at her place, have a shower, a meal and go to bed.   

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