Thursday, July 23, 2015

Troubles on the road

On Wednesday we set out for Inverness. On the way we took a detour on a scenic tourist route that was going to take us to Pitlochry. Our friend's son had worked in a camp ground there once and they said it was very pretty so when we saw the sign we detoured. It was indeed a pretty road and a change from the busy roads.



All was going well until there was a thud and the car's front wheel hit a grill/drainage plate that was sitting high up out of place. Stephen pulled off the road (actually a lovely picnic spot on a good day) and he survyed the damage. Not only was the tyre flat it had damaged the tyre wall. Stephen went to change it only to discover there was no spare. There was suppose to be a self inflator kit but it wasn't there either not that it would have been much good to us. So a phone call for help (we were actually very lucky the phone had reception as we were in a mountainous region) and the RAC came to our rescue. We were trailered back to Perth and a new tyre was fitted. Three hours later we were back on the road to Inverness. Stephen of course had a lot in common with the break down officer and they were able to compare notes. It seems the politics of the job are not much different here to NZ. What we did like was his vehicle had a small trailer that dropped down out of the back of it and he put our front wheels on it so we could be towed back to town. All very easy but as yet we are to still discovered at what cost. We have insurance but we all know what that is like and how difficult it is to get the pay out. While we were waiting another car came along and the driver, a local, stopped to talk to us. He had done the exact same thing only moments before us and he was planning to go to the local council for the cost of a new tyre. He said he would help us if we wanted a witness and any help so watch this space.

While we were waiting for the new tryre to be fitted we walked down to the River Tay for a look. The street running along side it was also called Tay, which is of interest to anyofus from Invercargill.








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